
Project Details

  • UNICAM Projects Supervisor:         

           Prof. Carlo Lucheroni - School of Science and Technology (email:  

  • Partners Projects Supervisors:

           Dr. Pulatkhon Lutfullayev (email: for NAMDU

           Dr. Shavkat Azimov - (email: for TSTU

  • UNICAM Academic Coordinator:

           Prof. Emanuele Tondi - Rector's Delegate for Internationalization (email:

           Prof. Luciano Barboni - Rector's Delegate for Extra-EU Countries Programs (email:

  • UNICAM Administrative Coordinator:

           Dr. Sara Rossini - IRO (email:


Totale Grant Awarded: € 63.160,00 



The new project is based on a Kazakh hub built around three Kazakh leading universities, 1) UIB in Almaty (leading), 2) Al Farabi Kazakh National University in Almaty (KAZNU, notoriously very strong in hard science disciplines since Soviet times), and 3) Dulaty University in Taraz (DU, a generalist university). This hub will be connected with a group of two Uzbek universities, namely 1) the Namangan State University in Namangan (NSU, a former pedagogical university, now generalist), and 2) the Tashkent State Technical University in the Uzbek capital city of Tashkent (TSTU, a large engineering university). To this structure, a Kyrgyz university is added, the Kyrgyz State Technical University in the Kyrgyz capital city of Bishkek (KSTU, a generalist university). Noticeably, these six universities all belong to the same small area sized just a few hundred kilometers of length, and located in the heart of Central Asia, right on one sector of the historical Silk Road. This carefully crafted geographical arrangement is expected to greatly facilitate exchanges and international cooperation among the CA partners, which are otherwise divided by national borders. Because of this setting, the project hopes to better satisfy at once the regional, national and university level necessities of all partners.


Reports and Pictures

- Incoming Student Mobility for Studies, from TSTU to UNICAM

The report was written by a master student in Biotechnology from the faculty of Engineering Technologies of the Tashkent state Technical University. She spent at our University 5 months during the second semester of the a.y. 2022/23. She attended some courses of our Biological Science Master Degree, specifically in Nutrition: Functional and sustainable food. She decided to share her ideas and opinion about her experience at UNICAM that she definitely considered fruitful.

Have a look to the report!

- Incoming Student Mobility for Studies, from TSTU to UNICAM

During the second semester of the a.y. 23/24, two incoming students from TSTU came to UNICAM for a mobility for studies.

One of them was a PhD student who had the opportunity to conduct research at the laboratory of Soil Biodiversity and Sustainable Agriculture (SBSA) at the School of Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine. 

Have a look to his report!

The other was a master student that came for exams.

Click here to learn more about his experience!