About us

The University of Camerino (UNICAM) seven centuries after its foundation remains young in spirit and continues to make major contributions to the economic, social and cultural life of the town and its region.

UNICAM was the first university in Italy to introduce quality control procedures in its institutional activities according to the international norms UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 by the French certifying company GROUPE AFAQ.
Out of 8,000 registered students the percentage of international students coming from more than 50 different countries has reached 10%, more than three times the national average.

5 University Schools and 4 campuses (Camerino, Ascoli Piceno, Matelica, San Benedetto del Tronto). Bachelor and Master courses held in English as well as Doctoral courses.

UNICAM boasts of building structures and equipment in continual development: teaching and scientific libraries and a large number of research laboratories,modern sports facilities, dormitories for over 900 places, student services and facilities 

The excellent professor/student ratio (1 professor for every 25 students) is another fundamental element in guaranteeing quality of learning at UNICAM. 

We have respect for different ideas
We offer a friendly, productive and creative environment
We give you an experience that prepares you for a lifetime of achievement.

In the green hert of Itlay, a little big international world: this is UNICAM


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