
Project Details

  • UNICAM Projects Supervisor:         

           Prof. Carlo Lucheroni - School of Science and Technology (email: carlo.lucheroni@unicam.it)  

  • Partners Projects Supervisors:

           Prof. Aiman Narenova (email: master_feb@mail.ru) for DULATY

           Ms Yerkezhan Apsemetova - (email: apsemetova.yerkezhan@kaznu.edu.kz) for KAZNU

           Prof. Meruyert Narenova - (email: meruertn@live.com) for UIB

  • UNICAM Academic Coordinator:

           Prof. Emanuele Tondi - Rector's Delegate for Internationalization (email: emanuele.tondi@unicam.it)

           Prof. Luciano Barboni - Rector's Delegate for Extra-EU Countries Programs (email: luciano.barboni@unicam.it)

  • UNICAM Administrative Coordinator:

           Dr. Sara Rossini - IRO (email: sara.rossini@unicam.it)


Totale Grant Awarded: € 94.370,00 



The new project is based on a Kazakh hub built around three Kazakh leading universities, 1) UIB in Almaty (leading), 2) Al Farabi Kazakh National University in Almaty (KAZNU, notoriously very strong in hard science disciplines since Soviet times), and 3) Dulaty University in Taraz (DU, a generalist university). This hub will be connected with a group of two Uzbek universities, namely 1) the Namangan State University in Namangan (NSU, a former pedagogical university, now generalist), and 2) the Tashkent State Technical University in the Uzbek capital city of Tashkent (TSTU, a large engineering university). To this structure, a Kyrgyz university is added, the Kyrgyz State Technical University in the Kyrgyz capital city of Bishkek (KSTU, a generalist university). Noticeably, these six universities all belong to the same small area sized just a few hundred kilometers of length, and located in the heart of Central Asia, right on one sector of the historical Silk Road. This carefully crafted geographical arrangement is expected to greatly facilitate exchanges and international cooperation among the CA partners, which are otherwise divided by national borders. Because of this setting, the project hopes to better satisfy at once the regional, national and university level necessities of all partners.


Reports and Pictures

- Incoming Staff Mobility for Teaching, Prof. Kuantay Boshkayev, from AL-FARABI to UNICAM

Prof. Kuantay Boshkayev from the department of Theoretical and Nuclear Physics of the Al-farabi Kazakh National University came to the University of Camerino for a mobility for teaching during the second semester of the a.y. 2022/23. His mobility was focused on lectures, in particular of Theoretical Physics, General Relativity, Relativistic Astrophysics and Physics of Compact Objects and on establishing relations with the group working on Theoretical Physics in a view of creating new collaborations. As stated in his report of the activities, this mobility was productive, intense and interesting.  

Have a look to his report and pictures of this mobility!


- Ka171 Workshop - "Intersect Merging Disciplines for Global Solutions"

This activity was conducted on April 29th, 2024 from 9:00 to 11:00am at the Law school, as part of the Erasmus+ Ka171 project. The goal was to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration among Erasmus+ students from UNICAM, coming from varied academic fields, to develop innovative solutions for global challenges by leveraging their combined expertise. Participants included students from disciplines such as biotechnology, pharmacy, energy studies, social sciences, chemistry, and computer science, originating from countries like Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Albania and China. The initiative was led by Professor Carlo Lucheroni and Erasmus PhD student Kenzhekhan Kabdesov from the University of International Business (UIB, Kazakhstan).

The event started with compelling talks by Professor Luciano Barboni and Professoressa Lucia Ruggeri on the current importance of multidisciplinary approaches. Kenzhekhan Kabdesov further discussed the benefits of these approaches for both global community and the students. An interactive ice-breaker session followed, where students introduced their fields in a guessing game format, which facilitated engaging discussions and collaborative interaction. The main activity divided students into two groups to brainstorm universal research topics that integrate their various disciplines. Each participant explained how their expertise could contribute to the group's research project. The first group devised a project on clinical trials on living organisms, combining elements of biology, pharmacy, computer science, and biotechnology. The second group worked on developing an application to aid in food selection. 

Overall, the session was highly beneficial for the students, encouraging teamwork and innovative problem-solving across different fields. 

Click on this link to see other pictures and video!