
Project Details

  • UNICAM Projects Supervisors:             

           Prof. Giacomo Rossi - School of Biosciences (email: for UBT

           Prof. Rosita Gabbianelli - School of Pharmacy (email: for UMT

           Prof. Renato De Leone - School of Science and Technology (email: for UNISHK

           Prof. Andrea Polini - School of Science and Technology (email: for UT

  • Partners Projects Supervisors:

           Prof. Erinda Lika (email: for UBT

           Prof. Alma Idrizi - (email: for UMT

           Prof. Rajmonda Kecira - (email:  for UNISHK

           Prof. Endri Xhina - (email: for UT

  • UNICAM Academic Coordinator: 

           Prof. Emanuele Tondi - Rector's Delegate for Internationalization (email:

           Prof. Luciano Barboni - Rector's Delegate for Extra-EU Countries Programs (email:

  • UNICAM Administrative Coordinator:

           Dr. Sara Rossini - IRO (email:


Totale Grant Awarded: € 178.055,00 



UNICAM some years ago started cooperating with Albanian universities and already used EU financial resources to strengthen connections with Albanian universities, and in particular with University of Tirana and University of Medicine in Tirana. The current project intends to continue the work already performed, and to reinforce the cooperation of UNICAM with Albanian universities in the area of Computer Science, Pharmacology. Veterinary and Mathematics.

The University of Tirana (UT), founded in 1957, is the largest and one of the most important public universities in Albania. It includes 6 faculties with 174 programs in all the 3 cycles of study. Programs are offered in Tirana, in Saranda, in the southern part of the country, and Kukës in the north. UT counts around 24k students and it has almost 800 full time academic staff. UNICAM and UT already have a Double Degree programme activated from the a.y. 2023/24 and this project, in addition to the other aims, will definitely support incoming students exchange periods. 

In its history, the University of Shkodra "Luigj Gurakuqi" (UNISHK) has experienced significant changes in the structure, content, and organization. After an initial period as High Pedagogical Institute, in 1991 it changed its status to University. Since 2000, UNISHK is engaged in activities to reach the objectives of the Bologna Declaration and to be part of the European Higher Education Area. The qualification of the academic staff of UNISHK has always been central with special attention to the integration of young pedagogues and students into scientific research.UNISHK counts 6 Faculties. The Department of Mathematics is part of the Faculty of Natural Sciences. One of the main objectives is to allow Albanian students in Math to take courses that are not available at UNISHK and to experience the Italian education system;

The collaboration between the Faculty of Pharmacy at UNICAM and the Department of Pharmacy of the University of Medicine in Tirana (UMT) has been going on for more than a decade. A master course in Clinical pharmacy was organized in the past with UNICAM leading this didactic activity. Visits of Albanian students to Marche region hospital pharmacies have been regularly organized in view of their high technology development and sponsored by local companies that develop aseptic and robotized preparation of antitumoral drugs. This and other subjects can be introduced in this exchange program, thus completing the preparation of students from UMT.

Finally, the project will also involve an active collaboration between the Veterinary Medicine Pole of UNICAM and Agricultural University of Tirana (AUT). Today AUT it is the unique center in Albania for undergraduate and graduate studies, scientific research, and training in the area of agriculture and food. A School of Veterinary Medicine (VMS) was established in AUT, in 1952, and is the only university center of veterinary education in Albania. Albanian students will benefit from high-level programs on clinical research in pets and unconventional animal diseases, thanks to the activities of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, which represents an excellence throughout the Marche Region.

Reports and Pictures

- Outgoing Staff Mobility for Teaching, Prof.ssa Laura Menchetti, from UNICAM to AUT

During the first semester of the a.y. 2023/24, Prof.ssa Laura Menchetti went to Abania at AUT to carry out a mobility for Teaching in the subject field of Veterinary Medicine. The content of the teaching programme was ethology and welfare of pet and farm rabbits. Moreover, the mobility aimed to strengthen international relations between the two Institutions, to evaluate new teaching methodologies and to create new networks for the development of common research activities.

Click on the link to see what AUT says about it!

- Incoming Staff Mobility for Training, prof.ssa Alba Como, from UT to UNICAM

During the first semester of the a.y. 2023/24, Prof.ssa Alba Como went to UNICAM from UT to carry out a mobility for Training. The mobility aimed to strengthen collaboration between our universities in sharing practices, developing common research plans and learning about database systems, Data Analytics, Big Data Management. Last but not least, thanks to this mobility, prof.ssa Como strengthened contacts with academic and administrative staff involved in the Erasmus KA171 to better organize the future students' mobilities.

Outgoing Staff Mobility for Teaching, Prof. Flavio Corradini, from UNICAM to UT

During the first semester of the a.y. 2023/24, Prof. Flavio Corradini went to UT twice, in December and then again in January, to carry out 2 mobilities for Teaching. The mobilities were aimed at contributing to teaching activities as part of the course Complex Systems Design within the Double Degree in Computer Science. The complexity of the topics taught need a direct contact with the students. The course was specifically about languages for the specification of concurrent and distributed systems with hints on their analysis and verification. With the second mobility, the state of evolution of the assigned projects was assessed and a plenary discussion in presence in Tirana and online with the Italian students was organized. 

- Outgoing Staff Mobility for Teaching, Prof.ssa Barbara Re, from UNICAM to UT

During the first semester of the a.y. 2023/24, Prof.ssa Barbara Re went to UT to carry out a mobility for Teaching. The teaching activities were part of the course Business Process Modeling and Enactment within the Double Degree in Computer Science. The course was specifically about languages modelling process and enterprise with hints on their implementation. 

Click on the link to see some pictures!

- Incoming Student mobility for study, from UT to UNICAM

During the second semester of the a.y 2023/24, 7 students from UT carried out a mobility for study. The mobility included the possibility for them to partecipate in the Double Degree programme established between the University of Camerino and the University of Tirana in Computer Science. One of them described his successfull experience at UNICAM.

Click on the link to read his report!

- Incoming Staff mobility for Teaching and Training, Prof. Ledjan Malaj and Troja Erjon, from UMT to UNICAM

In June 2024 two professors from UMT partecipated in the Erasmus KA171 project for a mobility for teaching and training. The mobilities included several seminars and training activities. Mobility aimed at being an additional helpful process towards quality improvements, new training models, with focus on actual modem topics in scientific and teaching activities. It's worth noting that in one week at the School of Pharmacy, not only their seminars were held, but even others for professors from Portugal and Romania, all under the Erasmus project. 

Have a look at the event poster!

Click here to read prof. Malaj and Troja's report and see some pictures!

- Incoming Student mobility for study, from UMT to UNICAM

During the second semester of the a.y 2023/24, one student from UMT carried out a mobility for study. She conducted research for her experimenal master thesis at the School of Pharmacy in UNICAM. She shared her experience and feelings about it. 

Click on the link to read her report!

Outgoing Staff Mobility for Teaching, Prof.ssa Rosita Gabbianelli, from UNICAM to UMT

During the first semester of the a.y. 24/25, prof. Rosita Gabbianelli went to the University of Medicine, Tirana for a mobility for teaching, mainly focused on Nutrigenomics. Nutrigenomics is a new field in the molecular nutrition whose pioneer is prof. Gabbianelli. With this mobility UMT students, as future health care professional, improved their knowledge within the field of preventive strategies to maintain health starting from healthy life. 

Click here to learn more about it!