
Project Details:

  • UNICAM Project Supervisor:             

           Prof. Andrea Catorci - School of Biosciences (email: andrea.catorci@unicam.it)

  • UNICAM Administrative Coordinator:

           Dr. Arianna Bartoletti - IRO (email:arianna.bartoletti@unicam.it)

           Dr. Sara Rossini - IRO (email: sara.rossini@unicam.it)

  • UP Project Supervisor:

          Prof. Bekim Gashi - Department of Biology Office (email: bekim.gashi@uni-pr.edu)

  • UP Administrative Coordinator: 

           MSc. Blerande Dragusha - International Relations Office (email: blerande.dragusha@uni-pr.edu)

  • UMIB Project Supervisor:

           Prof. Mirsade Osmani - Faculty of Food Technology (email: mirsade.osmani@umib.net)

  • UMIB Administrative Coordinator:

           Dr. Albulene Grajcevci - Coordinator of the international Cooperation and Research Office (email: albulene.grajcevci@unib.net)

  • UNICAM Academic Coordinator: 

           Prof. Emanuele Tondi - Rector's Delegate for Non-EU Countries (email: emanuele.tondi@unicam.it)


Totale Grant Awarded: € 26.875,00



With the Erasmus+ Project KA107, Call 2020, the University of Camerino, the University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina" (UP) and the University of Mitrovica "Isa Boletini" (UMIB) implemented a total of 7 mobilities:

- 3 incoming students mobilities for Studies;

- 3 incoming staff mobilities for Training;

- 1 incoming staff mobility for Teaching.

The University of Prishtina (UP) is one of the largest universities in the Balkans with 13 faculties and over 42.000 students. The University of Mitrovica (UMIB) is a state university located in the north of Kosovo with 23 accredited study programs. Both have international objectives to generate new institutional cooperation and to enhance the research capacities of teaching staff and students. This project involved: the School of Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine of UNICAM, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of UP and the Department of Food Technology of UMIB. 

From the University of Mitrovica, the second semester of the a.y. 2021/22, two Master students came to UNICAM. One student came for exams while the other for completing her master thesis. The research project of the latter, aimed to understand how the organoleptic and chemical quality of sheep milk and cheese change during the drought period due to climate change. The third incoming student came from the University of Prishtina the first semester of the a.y. 2022/23 for research. The general objective was to assess the conservation status of the high-conservation value wetland Palude di Colfiorito. The most important aspect of growth for the incoming students, was to experience a more practical didactic method with technologies and instruments inaccessible for them and to access to a nature reserve owned by UNICAM, named "Torricchio mountain". All the students expressed enthusiasm for their experience at our University. 

The incoming staff mobility for training of Prof. Mirsade Gashi was held with the incoming staff mobility for teaching of Prof. Bekim Gashi the second semester of the a.y. 2021/22. The latter gave lessons about the following topics: 1) Plant biology today and the role of them in other disciplines; 2) The role of Environmental Sciences in current environmental status in Kosovo; 3) Response of plants to water stress - resurrection plants; 4) Heavy metals in plant: Case study of Kosovo and 5) the role of detoxification and tolerance of heavy metals in plants. Both professors extended their knowledge of plant biology and its application in other disciplines and they could transfer new practices to their students. Prof. Mirsade Gashi visited our lab units with the intention to become familiarized with the methods and techniques of work. 

The last two incoming staff mobility for training in the second semester of the a.y. 2022/23 of prof. Naim Berisha and again prof. Bekim Gashi had the same objectives, with a greater focus on further research projects to apply for.

It is worth noting that also for the academic staff our research practical approach on the territory is something new and for this reason, they aimed to gain practical competencies, both in laboratory and with UNICAM "open-air" method.

Finally, the whole collaboration led to a closer relationship between the universities involved, also implementing certain co-supervised thesis.



                                                                                     Incoming staff mobility for training a.y. 2021/22

Have a look to the Overall Report!