Dissemination Kazakhstan

Project Details:

  • UNICAM Project Supervisor:             

           Prof. Carlo Lucheroni - School of Science and Technology (email: carlo.lucheroni@unicam.it)

  • UNICAM Administrative Coordinator:

           Dr. Arianna Bartoletti - IRO (email: arianna.bartoletti@unicam.it)

  • UIB Project Supervisor:

           Prof. Meruyert Narenova, Professor at UIB Department of Economics and Management (email: meruertn@live.com)

  • UIB Administrative Coordinator: 

           Dr. Aidana Duisekina - IRO (email: id.head@uib.kz)

  • UNICAM Academic Coordinator: 

           Prof. Emanuele Tondi - Rector's Delegate for Non-EU Countries (email: emanuele.tondi@unicam.it)

  • UIB Academic Coordinator: 

           Prof. Anar Makhmetova - UIB Vice-Rector for educational and methodical work (email: vr.edu@uib.kz)


Totale Grant Awarded: € 85.940,00 



The partnership between UNICAM and UIB was focused on European Commercial Law (with particular attention tokey topics such as “European Union tourismpolitical framework”, “2030 Climate and EnergyFramework” and “European Green Deal”). The legal core was expanded with an offer of hard science topics such as financial mathematics and statistics, and courses devoted to develop abilities to identify long-term investment strategies and the competence to implement these investments.

In detail, up to July 2021, the number, type and profile of involved participants have been:

- 12 student mobility for study incoming, six during the second semester ofthe academic year 2018-2019, four during the second semester of the academic year 2019-2020 and two during the second semester of the a.y. 2020-2021. Students involved were of 2nd and 3rd cycle (EQF-7 e EQF-8);

- 2 staff mobility for teaching incoming, (during the second semester of the a.y. 2018-2019). Field of education: 0410 – Business and administration;

- 2 staff mobility for training incoming, (during the second semester of the a.y. 2019-2020). Type of staff training: job shadowing;

- 1 student mobility for traineeship outgoing. The selected participant was a PhD (in the first semester a. y. 2019-2020). Field of education: 0688 Information and Communication Technology;

- 3 staff mobility for teaching outgoing, (during the first semester of thea.y. 2019-2020). Field of education: 0421 – Law and 0541 – Mathematics.


Academic year 2018/2019

Click here to see some pictures of these mobilities!

Watch UIB video on the Erasmus+ experience!

Watch UNICAM video on ongoing activies!

Have a look to the Overall Report!