ECTS System
The European Credit Transfer System makes teaching and learning in higher education more transparent across Europe and facilitates the recognition of all studies. The system allows for the transfer of learning experiences between different institutions, greater student mobility and more flexible routes to gain degrees. It also aids curriculum design and quality assurance.
Thanks to the introduction of Credits, it is today possible to assign a quantitative value to the hours a student must devote to a particular subject. One Credit is defined as 25 hours of both study time and time spent in the classroom or laboratory. Apart from the quantitative measure of the Credit, there is the Grade which represents a qualitative measure of a student's accomplishment. Credits are a fundamental element in the attainment of the degree and something that can be 'spent' after the degree, should the student continue their academic career.
ECTS grading scale:
The ECTS grading scale has been developed in order to help institutions translate the grades awarded by host institutions to ECTS students. It provides information on the student’s performance in addition to that provided by the institution’s grade; it does not replace the local grade.
The ECTS system is mainly based on three elements:
- the information on the study programs and the student’s results;
- the mutual agreement between the institute of destination and the student;
- the recourse to ECTS credits and ECTS scores.
ECTS Grade |
Definition |
A |
EXCELLENT - outstanding performance with only minor errors |
B |
VERY GOOD - above the average standard but with some errors |
C |
GOOD - generally sound work with a number of notable errors |
D |
SATISFACTORY - fair but with significant shortcomings |
E |
SUFFICIENT - performance meets the minimum criteria |
FX |
FAIL - some more work required before the credit can be awarded |
F |
FAIL - considerable further work is required |
University of Camerino grading system
Italian grading system is based on numerical marks which may vary between 18 and 30:
- 18-19 is the minimum pass grade,
- grades between 20-24 correspond to a satisfactory performance
- grades between 25-27 correspond to a good performance
- grades between 28-29 correspond to a very good performance
- 30 corresponds to full grade and a distinction (lode) may be added to this maximum grade as a mention of special merit .